FAS Data Collector

The FAS data collector is a tiny, very efficient, command line application designed to collect information about the files on your file system and produce an output file containing that information. At ICT Analytics we create reports around the collected data and make recommendations on how to use the report to optimise your file system. By implementing the recommended optimisations you will be able to shrink your storage footprint by up to 75% which will increase your storage ROI and reduce your backup window. Reducing the amount of storage used means you can defer expensive storage upgrades, reduce the cost of your backup (by using less physical tapes or reducing the amount of disk used for backups) and if you are using on-line backup this can be a very fast way to reduce your backup cost. From a Disaster Recovery perspective, reducing your storage footprint, means your recovery time in the unfortunate event of system failure can be dramatically reduced. Optimising your file systems can dramatically improve performance.

Click here to download the FAS data collector now

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